Blogger, the website that powers this blog, is awesome. It tracks certain statistics and conveniently displays them for me on my administrator page. One statistic they track is how people come across my blog. They divide this into referring sites, such as Facebook (find and like me on Facebook if you haven't already. And don't feel shy about referring me to your friends), and Google search results. The statistics about these search results have been very entertaining. They tell me how often someone has found my blog due to specific search results. For example, I know that 43 different people have found my blog by typing in "my worthless degree" in the Google search bar and clicking on the link that referred my blog. But that is the least interesting search result by which people have come across My Worthless Degree.
Here are some of my favorites (my reactions) and the corresponding blog entries (they are links, so feel free to click and read if you so desire) :
- cleavage baby (I don't even want to know) Thank You, Horrid Cleavage Baby
- "most of the balloons" (Is someone in clown school writing a historical report on balloons? The use of balloons as renewable energy sources? A suspected balloon uprising? I didn't realize clown school was so legitimately academic.) The 3 Stages of a Balloon's Life
- all aboard the ass train (Huh. I guess that phrase isn't as original as I thought.) All Aboard the Ass Train
- beard net sale (That's just silly. Who needs that many beard nets?) Choking Velociraptors, Beard Nets, and Phantom Limb -- Oh, My!
- how to help a diabetic druggie (Shoot 'em in the face.) Diabetic or Druggie?
- pics of sexy lesbians dressed as fairies (Nerds! What? They searched for this between quests on World of Warcraft?) Glitter Dragons and Sexy (Sometimes Lesbian) Fairies
- nostril man (I like the images this creates in my mind.) Justin Bieber's Angry Twin, Hairy Nostril Man, and The Completely Inappropriate Guy
- velociraptors eating ice-cream (What flavor or ice-cream. Terrified human and caramel swirl?) Choking Velociraptors, Beard Nets, and Phantom Limb -- Oh, My!
- bulliten board worm template (What does that even mean?) possibly Co-Worker Freak Show
- t-rex hates pushups (I do, too. Maybe if a T-rex is ever trying to eat me, I can distract him by bringing up our mutual dislike of pushups.) Co-Worker Freak Show
- facts about bragging (Fact #1 : Bragging is a good way to make people hate you.) Shameful Facts VS Bragging Rights
- does biglots sell microwaves (I've never been to a Big Lots and I'm okay with that.) possibly Ancient Loans
There was also a "referring site" that concerned me. It was I feel so cheap and violated.
I have a list of mine, too. I think every blogger takes the time to do a post like this, because the results are hilarious!