UP : Breakfast burrito
DOWN : The trip to campus -- The bus was late -- The T (Boston's subway system) was supposed to be rerouted, but then the reroute was cancelled--which is a good thing, but also a bad thing since it was confusing -- I realized I forgot to figure out which subway stop I need to get off at -- I got off at the wrong stop -- When I arrived at the place where the orientation e-mail told me to be, the lights were off, the door was locked, and it was clearly the wrong location.
UP : I wasn't the only ill-informed fool. Two other new graduate students were in the same boat. One of them had a smart phone and was able to find the real location of the opening meeting for the orientation and we arrived just in time.
DOWN : Sitting through countless orientation speakers
UP : Informative campus tour
UP : Free lunch with interesting people
DOWN : The painstaking task of opening a new bank account
UP : FIRE ALARM (see picture on the right)
DOWN : No actual fire
UP : More mingling and free food
DOWN : I had to leave the mixer before they handed out the raffle prizes
UP : Informative session about becoming involved in a graduate literary magazine
DOWN : I look like I have Down's Syndrome in my college photo ID
Overall, I would say that the UP outweighed the DOWN in a big way. I am so excited for my classes and the things I will learn, internships, readings, becoming involved in activities and organizations, and countless other things. That said, my excitement has not coaxed me into rushing summer on its way out. I want it to stick around for as long as possible. The school year, as amazing as it will be, will come with all of its fun and stress and overwhelming responsibilities soon enough.
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