The Gentleman : There is a very tall, older gentleman who looks like a less pale version of a monster off of the TV show, Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. It's actually a group of monsters, called The Gentlemen, who all look the same and have one purpose. In the show, these guys sweep into Buffy's home town and steal everyone's voices so no one can scream for help when they break into their homes with the intention of cutting out and stealing their hearts for their demonic purposes. I don't think my co-worker is motivated to or capable of stealing voices and tearing out beating hearts from human chests, but I can't help but be creeped out by him, especially when he smiles.

Mario : All I need to say about this guy is that he looks exactly like Mario, only he's hispanic instead of Italian. Sadly, he has to wear the necessary safety equipment and not the suit pictured on the left because neither he nor the ice-cream factory is that awesome.
The Tape Worm : There is one guy who is insanely tall and insanely thin that he looks like a large worm who has learned to walk in an upright position . . . and wear human clothing . . . and work at an ice-cream factory. I haven't bothered talking to him, but I have since started referring to him as The Tape Worm. Even his face is bland, kind of like what I imagine what a worm's face would look like.
And I musn't forget to mention El Cholo. I won't go into great detail about him here as I've already blogged about him, but, if you haven't read about this jerk, I would check out El Cholo immediately.
Daily Ice-Cream Intake :
2 strawberry crunch bars, 2 fudgesicles, 1 frozen yogurt square, 5 ice-cream candy bars, 1 orange sherbert push-up
(see also The Summer of Free Ice-Cream (A Running Tally))
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