22 June 2011

Douche Bag Of The Month

The other day, a man from a different sanitation crew was meddling in my crew's affairs. He was standing around in our work area, far away from where he was assigned to work, talking to a manager about how my crew could execute a special, one-time assignment more efficiently. Yeah. How about this for efficiency--STOP STANDING AROUND AND GO DO YOUR OWN JOB!

Other than that, this man has never done anything to me, but I don't have the best impression of him. He seems trashy (judging by the subject matter of his converastions and his Godsmack tattoo) and he is racist--and, I must add, misinformed in his racism (according to him, white men are supposed to have larger penises than black men). He also talks in a way that makes me wonder if he is inbred. I have a strong desire to ask him if he is, to just walk up to him and say "Hey. Are you inbred?", but I doubt that the HR department would let me get away with that. And to add to the inbred illusion, I think he is missing the majority--if not all--of his teeth (I've been trying to get a discrete look inside of his mouth to get a tooth count, but that's a difficult thing to do).

Anyway, the other day, everyone in the sanitation department was given a slip of paper upon which they were told to write down the name of the person who they would like to nominate as Sanitation Employee of the Month. Today, the results were revealed. And it was no other than Mr. My-Daddy-Can-Beat-Up-Your-Daddy-Because-My-Daddy's-Not-Only-My-Daddy-He's-My-Brother-And-My-Cousin-Too.

I found these results shocking because 1) he was voted into this position by his peers, meaning that a slew of people thought he deserved the title and 2) this was the second month running that he was voted Sanitation Employee of the Month.

After the announcement, he thanked everyone as graciously as a crude, (most likely) inbred man can and said he appreciated it a three or four times, as if it meant a lot to him. And maybe it did mean a lot to him, but I think it's all a joke. All he got was a piece of paper. There was no monetary reward or granting of a special parking space. So, really, what good is this distinguishment? Oh, I know. It got us out of five minutes of work. And, for that, I am grateful.

Now, I don't know this potentially inbred man, and maybe all of the interactions I've had with him are not accurate impressions of his character. Maybe he's a hard, competent worker. Maybe he has earned the respect and friendship of his co-workers. I don't know. I don't care. To me, he's just another douche bag I have to ignore. The Douche Bag of the Month, even. Maybe I should print him out a little piece of paper for that and give it to him. He can hang it up in his locker, or, better yet, frame it and put it on his wall at home.

Daily Ice-Cream Intake :
3 Strawberry Crunch Bars, 1/4 Gallon - Strawberry Shortcake

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