In the men's bathroom, there is a sign posted just outside of the two toliet stalls that reads "Please flush toliet paper in the toilet. Do not discard on the floor."
I do realize that this reminder probably results from the high number of central and south-Americans we have working at the ice-cream factory and how it may not have been the custom (and/or capability) to flush their toliet paper back in their native countries. So, really, it may be a legitimate reminder for some individuals. But what really caught my attention was not the content of this posting, but how "toliet" was translated into Spanish. Rather than "toliet" or "toileta" or even some random word I didn't recognize, "toilet" had been translated into "la taza del bano".
With my minimal Spanish skills, I recognized these words as "the cup of the bathroom". Cup? Of the bathroom? Really? I'm sorry, but a toilet does not look anything like a cup, and I don't think cups should be associated with anything you put into toliets.
I thought that maybe "la taza del bano" was a poor translation, but after asking one of my Spanish-speaking co-worker, I learned that it was, in fact, an accurate translation. Now, that's funny. I kept getting images of people squatting over delicate teacups in public restroom stalls. What a horrible mess that would be.
Deciding to look more into this "taza del bano", I Google searched it and found a silly little poem. And, of course, I have decided to share this with you.
Poesia a la Taza
(Dedicado a todos los inodoros del mundo! Gracias por soportarnos en esos momentos de tension!)
Oh taza blanca y majestuosa
Cuando tengo una emergencia para mi eres como una diosa
Cuando me siento en tu bizcocho siento que eres maravillosa
Le hablo de ti a mis amigos porque de ti estoy orgullosa
Tu taza, eres mi amiga incondicional
Porque contigo es con quien acudo cuando me hace dano el tamal
Oh taza hermosa, siempre has sido internacional
Aunque maltraten a tus hemanas en los banos publicos del tunal
Contigo voy cuando algo me hace dano
Se que siempre te puedo enctontrar en el bano
Pues todo mi malestar te llevas hasta el cano
Siempre estas conmigo los 360 dias del ano
Ah! Pobre de mi amiga cuando te tapas
Por favor no lo hagas pues del dolor me matas
Y si te botas me mojas las dos patas
Y de aquella agua salen una extranas natas
Pero gracias a Dios hoy estas bien
Porque tu gran servidora eres, ayudas sin importar a quien
Y aunque inodoro te dicen tambien
Para mi, taza adorada, suena super bien
I may not understand every word or phrase in this poem, but I do understand a lot of them. I also understand the overall humor of it. And I, too, have a great appreciation for my friend, The Cup of The Bathroom
Daily Ice-Cream Intake
2 Cookies N Cream ice cream waffle cones, 4 Orange sherbert push-up pops, 2 ice-cream candy bars, 2 Turtle ice-cream bars, 2 chocolate crunch bars
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