20 June 2011

In The Face

Being in sanitation, I spray high-pressure hoses all the live-long day. And during any given day, I spray myself in the face at least five times. There are various reasons for this, which I will list in order of frequency.


1) I try to spray the hose, but the nozzle is turned the wrong way and it sprays me in the face.

2) I drop the hose, and it sprays up at me and gets me in the face.

3) The hose becomes kinked and I attempt to twist the kink out of it. I normally succeed, but I also normally spray myself in the face.

4) I try to spray the hose with one hand and move something with the other hand. My wet rubber glove slips on the hose nozzle and it twists and gets me in the face.

5) I spray some piece of machinery, the water bounces back and gets me in the face.

6) I reach into a machine with a hose, turn it upwards, and try to spray the top of the inside of the machine. I end up spraying too close to the opening of the machine and the jet of water comes out and gets me in the face.

On top of that, I must not neglect to mention another reason I get sprayed in the face--although, this one is not my fault. To clean a machine, an entire sanitation crew works on it at the same time, and it is very often that we don't see each other from across the machine. We go ahead and spray a certain area, but the water or chemical shoots through the machine and gets the other worker, usually in the face. It seems like you get sprayed in the face 90% of the time as opposed to getting your shoulder or leg doused for whatever reason it may be. It's great.

Daily Ice-Cream Intake : As revealed in a previous blog entry (see The Issue), I have been coerced into ceasing my strict ice-cream only diet while at work. Today was the first day of eating actual food while at work, and I am glad to report that the issue did not arise today. That, however, did not deter me from eating a moderate (meaning, moderate for me).

2 Rainbow Sherbert Push-up Pops, 1 Ice-Cream Candy Bar, 1 Popsicle, 1 Strawberry Crunch Bar, 1 Strawberry Fruit Bar

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