28 September 2010

Glitter Dragons and Sexy (Sometimes Lesbian) Fairies

From time to time the store manager enjoys bringing in large quantities of objects with strange themes. The current theme is : Glitter Dragons and Sexy (Sometimes Lesbian) Fairies.

The pawn shop now has a table designated for small statues of dragons that are covered in glitter--what a mess, let me tell you--as well as statues of fairies that are neither cute nor cartoonish but sexual temptresses that seem eager to show off their taut upper thighs and expansive cleavage.There are also moderately sized framed pictures of additional sensual dark fairies. One is standing on the edge of a cliff that overlooks a stormy ocean. She is very pale and dressed entirely in black, only the back of her dress has been cut away to reveal her firm buttocks, giving a strong impression that she had just stepped off the set of a Lady Gaga music video. And as strange as it was, I kind of liked it--but not as much as I enjoyed teasing my boss, who has a very innocent demeanor about her, about the questionable merchandise she brought into the shop. There was another picture that was especially productive in my teasing. This was a medium close-up of two kissing fairies--both clearly female--one laying on the ground and the other leaning over her lover. But to bring this picture into complete focus, it must also be understood that there was blood tricking from the mouth of the fairie who was laying on the ground, leaving me to wonder if she was dead, injured, or being devoured by the other fairie. I perhaps will never be given the correct answer, but perhaps that is the true beauty behind this humbly priced piece of wall art--not the kinky, Gothic lesbianism, but the allure of an unsolvable mystery.

Moving on, I brought this intriguing picture to the attention of my boss, and melodramatically demanded, "You bought LESBIAN FAIRIES?" She laughed, pointed to the bleeding fairie laying on the ground, and then responded that "This one could be a guy". Oh, no, dear boss, it could not. It most certainly could not. But that's okay. I don't judge. But I did make sure to bring the lesbian fairies to the attention of each of my co-workers. At one point, one co-worker laughed and said our boss had told him that she had bought the S&M fairies because they were similar to the stuff in the Twilight movies. I responded that if that's what Twilight was about that I needed to start watching those movies because I had been grossly misinformed about their content.


  1. Glitter is the worst! As Demetri Martin says, glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. And I would agree.

  2. Oh my gosh. I want to see this pawn shop statues/fairies. They sound very... interesting.
