There are two production lines which I hate cleaning. Both of these make ice-cream treats which are topped with nuts. The nuts are the reason I hate cleaning these lines. Because, by the end of the shift, there are nuts everywhere. And I mean everywhere.
I am not assigned to regularly clean either of these machines, but I was unlucky enough to be recruited to do so the other day, and it took forever just to clean up all the nuts from off the floor, let alone the rest of machine.
In order to clean up the nuts, we kept spraying them towards a drain where they would get caught in the drain strainer. There were so many nuts that it filled the drain strainer numerous times, so many times that I completely filled up one of the five gallon buckets we lug around to put trash into and then some. It was ridiculous. By the time it was all said and done, there were enough nuts to fill up about seven gallons worth of bucket.
While I was wasting away my life cleaning up these nuts, I had an innovative idea which would save the company manpower and--most importantly--money. Rather than having employees be paid to clean up the nuts, we should have a pack of squirrels do it! It would be so simple!
Of course, we would have to keep them in a cage when they aren't working--it would be ridiculous to have squirrels running around the factory at all times--but all we would have to do is let them out when there are nuts which need to be cleaned up. I am pretty sure the squirrels would go crazy with delight and the nut-covered floor would be a swarm of furry tails for about fifty seconds before it was nutless. It would be awesome.
Issues of cleanliness aside, there are only two problems which I could forsee from implementing my squirrel plan. 1) Where would they hide the nuts? It would be likely that they would store them in all sorts of odd places. Someone, for example, might open a closet and then be buried in an avalanche of nuts. 2) The squirrels might be so crazed by the excess of nuts that they start fighting over the nuts even though they are plentiful. They might even form groups similar to gangs and begin waging wars that spiral out of control, resulting in territory wars, incessant fighting, and countless squirrel deaths.
Until I can work out these kinks, I will hold out on suggesting my nut cleaning solution to the managment.
Daily Ice-Cream Intake :
3/8 Gallon Chocolate Brownie Ice-Cream, 2 Strawberry Crunch Bars, 1 Orange Sherbet Push-Up
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