18 April 2011

Changes Are Coming

Lately, I have been entertaining a thought--a thought of quitting my job at the pawn shop and working in an ice-cream factory over the summer. There are both pros and cons to this. While it would would enable me to 1) earn a lot of money because I would be starting at over $10 an hour and working 60 or more hours a week, and 2) live closer to some of my family, it would also A) destroy my fun summer plans, and B) separate me from my friends whom I will miss dearly sooner than I had anticipated.

As I was weighing my options, I divulged all of these details to my employers, nonchalantly emphasizing the fact that I would be leaving the pawn shop for higher pay. I hoped doing so would have inspired them to approach me later on and offer me a raise to stay for the summer (as we are so desperately understaffed). No such thing happened. The closest reality came to matching my secret desires was when each of the managers I spoke to about this ask me what the starting pay would be at this other job. When I responded that it would be over $10 an hour, they each nodded solemnly and said nothing more, probably because they realized there was no way that could match such phenomenal wages. One manager agreed that this would be a far superior opportunity for me while the other offered me to more hours (which I found offensive as I am already working over 50 hours a week). I don't want more hours, dang it! I want money! Keep your job! Sheesh!

These conversations occurred a few weeks ago, and I have since found a sub-leaser for my current apartment. That was one key element which was holding me back. If I get this other job, I will be able to save over $600 on rent as my brother has graciously offered me a free place to stay for the summer months. And to add to the greatness of this decision, it turns out that employees of this ice-cream factory are allowed to eat as much ice-cream as they please during breaks! Oh, what a glorious benefit! I was on the fence about this job until I heard about the free ice-cream. That was enticement enough for me. I plan to keep tabs of everything I eat and then figure out how much it all cost. This company is going to lose so much money because of this ice-cream-aholic. Those fools!

Today, I informed the head store manager that I was going to be leaving the pawn shop for this other job. I don't have an exact date since I only applied to this job online last night, but I suspect I won't be there longer than another month. She was not thrilled in the slightest. There have been a staggering number of interviews lately, but nothing much has come of them. And to make things worse, they will be losing a number of employees this summer as they also move away to start different phases of their lives.

I think this is going to be a good choice for me. I am excited to see more of my family and I've always wanted to work in a factory just to see what it would be like to do such mindless work. Plus, I think seeing how things are made is fascinating--especially seeing how ice-cream things are made. I just hope that I get hired. I was told that they hire like crazy for the summer and work their temporary help to the bone. I'm down. To be honest, my only true hesitation is that this new job might not give me many things to blog about. The pawn shop has provided a wealth of stories to tell, but a factory? We shall see. We shall see.


  1. I still think you should blog about the ice cream factory, no matter how mundane it is. Right now, I am picturing it much like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, except with less Oompa Loompas and more glazed-over minions with chronic ice cream headaches.

    And you know what, good for you. Employers need to learn that without a living wage (not that $10/hour is a living wage, but I know from personal experience you can scrape by), anyone who is worthwhile isn't going to stick around.

  2. Why, thank you, President of the Moon-Elect. You have my vote.

    And, you know what? I think the ice-cream factory will be as magical as the Wonka Factory, but the magic will be in its well-oiled machines and not a chocolate river. Although, I imagine I could create a chocolate river by breaking some kind of hose in one of the machines. Interesting . . .
