07 January 2012

(#22) The "No Pointing" I Should've

Last night, I went to the Boston MFA museum . . . with a girl. Oooooo. Yes. I am so intelligent and articulate. I wooed her with my impressive grasp on all art forms.

Not really.

She wanted to go because there was a big exhibit of Degas and all of the nude people (mostly women--a lot of which were prostitutes, for real) which he painted or monoprinted or sculpted. I liked some of the work, but many of the pieces were pretty funny . . . a woman scratching her back in a very awkward position . . . a woman bending over at the waist and the view being from straight behind . . . weird looking people in bath tubs . . .

Anyway, I pointed to one of the pictures and a security guard moved in close to me and told me not to point at the paintings.

Not to point? Really?

I should've . . . said "Fine. I won't point." and then proceeded to lean in and lick the painting--which was protected by glass, so, I really wouldn't have licked the actual painting, but it still would have been fun to see the secuity guard faint. He was a shorter, older gentleman, and I am pretty sure he is the fainting type of security guard and not the kick-you-in-the-face or the stun-gun-you-in-the-nuts type of security guard.

1 comment:

  1. No pointing? Really? He probably thought you were making some lewd comment and that was his way of reprimanding you. Sexism! Bigotry! Racism! Outrage! All that.
