While traveling to spend Christmas with some of my family, I found myself waiting for a connecting flight in an airport. Next to me sat two little girls, each with an iPad. One was older, maybe 8 or 9, but the other must have been only 4 or 5.
The younger sister began drumming on the iPad with her hands, slamming her palms against the screen repeatedly and with vigor as if beating out a jungle rhythm was the only thing keeping her alive at that moment. After my heart nearly stopped at this sight, the girl then closed one of those floppy covers over the screen and began licking it.
I should've . . . grabbed the iPad away from the little girl and claimed it as my own, screaming "Never! Never! Never hit or lick an iPad! What is wrong with you?" I should've then turned to the girl's mother, wagged my finger in her face, and said "You just sit there and allow this to happen? You disgust me." I then should've begun happily playing with my newly acquired iPad, periodically yelling at the mother to make her child stop sobbing because it was throwing off my accuracy in Angry Birds.