03 October 2011

Pierre Panda, the Cyborg Pirate King of Time Capsules

It is official. My group has decided to go with the children's time capsule book (see The Trouble with Time Capsules).

I am somewhat disappointed that we did not use my most amazing of ideas, but I am happy that we are well on our way with the project. I have been lucky enough to be paired with three very motivated and intelligent women, and I actually feel bad because I feel that they have done most of the work thus far.

As for the content of the book, readers will be carried through a cute narrative about a grandfather, named Gramps, telling his grandchildren, Zoey and her adopted Asian brother, Lucas, about time capsules. The children will not be very enthusiastic about time capsules at first but will gain excitement as they learn about the importance, history, and fun that surrounds such important historical preservation methods.

Did you just gag? I did.

It sounds very cheesey, but I think it will also be fun. We will, after all, have cartoons and semi-bratty kids. Oh, the possibilities!

I feel sorry for the other groups in my class. There are two other groups. One's book is an academic books about gospel music. It is intended for scholars and will be written by a professor. Boring. The other group's book is going to be a how-to guide about various legal circumstances that college students may find themselves in. The book will provide all kinds of legal information and will be semi-playful. Better, but it's no children's time capsule book.

In our most recent group meeting, we debated over having the characters be animals instead of humans. Someone suggested that we have a panda and set our imagination abalze.

The room we were meeting in had a dry erase board and someone attempted to draw a panda head but ended up with something that resembled Mickey Mouse. I tried to fix it buy giving the head a body with lettuce-like arms and legs. I also embellished by adding an eyepatch over one eye and a red, glowing cyborg eye for the other. I also named him Pierre Panda, the Cyborg Pirate King of Time Capsules.

Sadly, we won't be using Pierre in our book. He will, however, remain our unofficial group mascot. Now all we need is a fight song . . . written in French.

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