I am not afraid of cleaning a bathroom as long as it is not completely covered in human feces. This goes for my own bathroom in my apartment as well as bathrooms in public places, such as my job. As a matter of fact, I somewhat enjoy cleaning the bathroom at work, not only because I am a neat freak with a slight case of OCD, but also because cleaning the bathroom means I get to disappear into the back and not deal with customers for a short while. I may be wiping urine and stray pubes off a toilet, but sometimes it's better than having to put up with some of the people who come into the pawn shop.
Anyway, today before I started cleaning the bathroom, I went pee. The bathroom we have does not have a urinal, so I peed in the toilet. That went just fine. But after I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, I noticed that the water in the toilet bowl looked a little too yellow and foamy. I figured I hadn't flushed properly, and went to flush again. Only, this time, water squirted out from behind the handle and soaked my hand.
I figured I should try to figure out what was going on with that and took the lid off the back of the toilet. When I looked inside, I didn't detect anything abnormal and decided to flush the toilet again to see if I could figure out what had caused the water to spray out from behind the handle. Bad idea. When I flushed again, a stream of water shot out from the back of the toilet and hit me square in the face.
As it turns out, the hose that fills the tank up had come loose and then fallen into the toilet, landing so it was aiming upwards. One of my co-workers learned of my wet experience, laughed loudly, and then proceeded to tell each of our co-workers about it. He had also flushed the toilet earlier in the day and had his hand sprayed but had not looked into fixing the problem. I guess that's what I get for trying to go above and beyond the call of duty--toilet water in the face. Lesson learned.
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