There have been a few instances of inappropriateness while working at the pawn shop, most of which result from customers speaking without thinking. Here are just a few.
1) When I pulled up a customer's account, I discovered that they lived on Knotty Court. It sounds like a fun place to live if you ask me.
2) All through the month of October, all of the employees wore shirts that promoted our One Day Sale. One customer was so kind as to point out that the back of our shirts, which stated that "The Big One Is Coming", could be taken very wrong.
3) The pawn shop sells these rubber balls that are studded and are meant to be rolled down someone's back to produce a type of massage. There are no codes on these balls themselves, so a sticker has been taped next to each computer that reads "Massage Balls" along with the code so we can ring them up. My juvenile mind, however, can't help but read this sticker as a command rather than a listed item.
4) A woman tried to sell a stack of pornographic DVDs to us, but we refused to purchase them. She was about to leave when a man came into the store and interpreted this as her second chance to rid herself of the DVDs. She thrusted the smut in front of the man and followed him as he walked to the counter, offering the entire collection for the low, low price of twenty dollars. The man awkwardly turned down the offer and I had the pleasure of interrupting the woman's rebuttal by stating very loudly that she was not allowed to sell things inside of our store. She promptly left with her pornography still in hand.
5) One of my female co-workers is very pretty and is constantly being harassed by men because of it. I dont' think the men never mean anything serious and are just trying to crack jokes, but this poor girl has to put up with such inappropriate humor almost on a daily basis. One older gentlemen was taking a loan out on a camera and asked me to do him a favor and return it with pictures of my co-worker on it. I glared and told him I would not. One day, a pair of Hispanic gentlemen were talking about her in Spanish not five feet away from where she did. They either did not care or did not understand that most people, my female co-worker included, understand what "bonita" and "chi-chis" mean. Another man was retreiving a necklace from pawn and asked if we could throw in the pretty girl with it. Moments like these are always awkward, and it's not terribly amusing, but the plan I have come up with sure is. The next time I am around and someone makes an inappropriate comment to this co-worker, I will loudly state "Please, stop. Sexual harrassment, Sir, is NEVER FUNNY." I imagine the store will grow quiet and all eyes will be turned on the man who uttered the sleazy comment. It will be awesome.
I would like to see this happen in person. Please let us know how it ends. It's brilliant. :)